Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Yes, I Know

Another weekend, another drunken dance party at someone's apartment and various inappropriate comments. Although I would like to get at least one pat on the back for not drinking on Saturday. That might be a first.

The only thing I felt the need to blog about was the fact that people seem to forget how loud I am. On Sunday someone came back from the bathroom at a noisy pub and was shocked that they could hear me laugh from the toilets when the bathroom is in the back and on another floor.

Listen people, I know. I'm loud when I'm sober, louder when I'm drunk, and my laugh is unmistakable. People have located us at a picnic in the park from a half mile away because they hear my voice. And I'm okay with that. I just don't understand why people are surprised.

In other news it's 5.36am but I actually have a good reason to be awake at such a ridiculous time for once -- have to catch a 7am flight to Melbourne for work. And this is the time of day when they play ridiculous music videos. Currently showing? "Boom Boom Boom" by the Outhere Brothers. How can you not love a song with the lyrics "Girl yo booty is so brown, I just wanna play around". Huh what? Brilliant.

Oh no Debbie Gibson just came on...I need to go shower. Apologies for the fragmented post.


Anonymous said...

i was always under the impression the lyrics were "girl your booty is so round, i just wanna lay you down"....not that that's any better of course. i could be wrong though, i'm not gonna google the lyrics to that right now, everytime i do that i just get pissed that those people understood even less of the song that i did. anyhow, this song is classic euro 90s and takes me back to 6th grade every time i happen to hear it (which is not very often). no i didn't just download it either...

Cristin said...

Aren't the subsequent lyrics "Let me take you from behind/ I won't come until it's time?" Or was that just in my twisted, 13 year old mind?