Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Still Evaluating...

No major complaints about my job so far. I'm halfway through week 6 and all seems to be going as smoothly as possible. Still, I'm trying to objectively evaluate everything about it, since I don't want to be one of those people who thinks their job is the most amazing thing ever until they get a rude awakening. Latest observations...

The Good

I've never really travelled for business before, so yesterday's trip down to the Melbourne office for a couple of meetings was interesting. At first the thought of flying there in the morning and back in the evening just sounded like a huge hassle, but it's amazing how much smoother everything seems when you know that every taxi or change in flights and everything in between can just go on the corporate card. In was kinda fun, just a long commute that allowed me to drink a few half liters of wine on the way home. I'm all for it!

The Bad

Of course this should be expected in a big corporate environment, but it still amazes me how many numbers they expect me to enter into various systems every week for god knows what reasons. Granted, any company should keep detailed records of all money spent and hours worked and all that, but it's gotten to the point where I sit around transferring money from one project to another and have no idea why. You want me to reduce the what for the who now? You know what, I don't know why and I'm pretty sure I would need a PhD to understand it, but there, it's done.

The Ugly

Went to the bathroom today and as I walked past the stalls I'm pretty sure there was a guy in one of them on a conference call. I have enough issues with people who are gross enough to be on the phone while taking care of their bodily functions, but a conference call?? Honestly dude, if you need to drop a deuce that badly, you should consider just dialling into the meeting a few minutes late. Eww.

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