Thursday, October 05, 2006

And The Rest Of The Weekend...

Right, should have taken care of this a day or two ago.

So, other than Friday, I unfortunately don't have any photographic evidence of my dumbassery. Saturday gave me time to finally go see The Devil Wears Prada, which made me ridiculously homesick. Not just because it was all set in NY, but god I miss those bitchy NY attitudes sometimes.

That night, we headed to a restaurant we'd been meaning to try for a while because the food is supposed to be amazing. But honestly, screw the food. I mean it was good, but I literally shriek with delight when I find a place in Australia that has "free pour", which means they ignore the retarded laws they have here (and in the UK) that only allow 30ml (one shot) of alcohol in a mixed drink. We started off with a few of those each, and all I can say is that I apologize to the people at the next table who had to listen to the conversations that we came up with after the 4th caipirinha.

And Sunday of course was the big booze-a-thon starting at 2pm, and ending when people started breaking glasses, disappearing without saying goodbye, and being denied entry to bars. I won't bother counting down EVERYTHING here, but I will make note of my favourite line of the day:

"Oh my god, I saw the HOTTEST mannequin the other day!"

Yeah seriously need to get some professional help. You weren't even drunk when you said that.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I think I made it to 4 caiparinhas only once in my life. Those things are brutal.