Thursday, August 10, 2006

How Work Should Be

The company directors were out of town on a business trip on Wednesday, so myself and my two closest work buddies had already planned to extend our pub lunch a bit.

Then again I don't think any of us really bargained for a 2.5 hour lunch with a couple of bottles of wine that would leave us smashed all afternoon. The sad part is that we reconvened in my office around 3pm to debate whether or not we should just head back to the pub and claim we had to go to "a meeting", since god knows we were all out of work ethic and productivity by that point. Fortunately we restrained ourselves, otherwise today would have been pretty damn ugly.


Anonymous said...

Ahahahaha. Such a scammer. I love it. How are you???

Anonymous said...

hey saunders, you've been using "myself" incorrectly... you and the rest of the population have taken it upon yourselves to use it in place of "I" or "me"... get back to basics... i promise people won't think that you are stupid if you use "I" or "me".

basically, "myself" should be used after you have used another pronoun for yourself earlier in the sentence. I bathe myself... "myself" works because "I" was used earlier in the sentence.

-your cmu buddy

Zander said...

Yes, yes, I know. Believe it or not when I typed out this post I actually had the correct grammar, and then I went back and changed it because it may be wrong but I think it sounds better. It also has the added advantage of really irritating my mother, who reads this blog regularly.

Besides, you didn't use proper punctuation or capitalization throughout your comment.

