Friday, August 25, 2006

Captain Jolly Bunny

I am seriously over the moon today. Just in the most amazing mood. Main reasons:

1) Today is my last day of work. I can't stand this company. I am planning to make a quick exit at 5pm on the dot, and hopefully escape without having to accept a farewell card, or make a speech, or anything of that nature. What would I say anyway? "Well I've only been here 7 months, and clearly I'm leaving because this company is absolute crap. Good luck, most of you need it as you are either inept morons, or you're stuck with total assholes for management. See ya!" Yeah...might want to keep me off the floor this afternoon.

2) I am going to start drinking in about 5 minutes. Lunchtime is here, and I am going with the only two people I really enjoy spending time with at this job. We are pledged to getting at least one bottle of wine, and there's a good chance it will be more than that, since the two of them have resigned this week as well. Nothing to lose baby, nothing to lose.

3) I'm flying to Melbourne tonight! It will be my first time out of the state of New South Wales, which is sad, but hey at least I'm getting around to it. Going with a whole bunch of friends, and I will try to take enough pictures to make one of my usual drunken photo albums out of it. And I'm off work for the next 2 weeks, so god knows I'll have time!

4) November will be AWESOME because I got the news this morning that Emla and Domini are COMING TO SYDNEY, visiting me for the first couple of weeks in November. While I should probably be concerned that my friends here are about to find out what a massive asshole I truly am, I'm too excited to care. Not only that, but it looks like they are coming right when Kylie Minogue is having her comeback performances here in Sydney, so we just might have to throw on some pink baby tees and hot pants and gay it up. And yes, I realize I am way too excited at the thought of that. What can I say.

In other news, I'm actually even more superficial than I had previously realized. I've spent most of this week making sure that I have as many album covers associated with songs on my new iPod as possible. And then last night as I was listening to music on the way home, I noticed that I was about 6 times more likely to listen to a song if it had an album cover attached. Not only that, but there was a Missy Elliott song that already had a rather unattractive photo of her attached, and I refused to listen to it until I had replaced it with a properly airbrushed album cover. Love the woman's music, but let's be honest, she just isn't that attractive. So yeah, I'm vapid. We knew that. Sorry to be redundant.

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