Friday, August 04, 2006

I Know I'm Not The Brightest Bulb In The Box...

...but I got this rather funny news story a little while ago and I can't help but wonder why a 23 year old woman was using a stolen ID to prove she was old enough to drink??

Sorry it's not a real post, but it has been a CRAZY week, I will try to update you all on it after the weekend.


Anonymous said...

Maybe a judge suspended her license and she really wanted a drink? I agree though that your normal 23 year old shouldn't need to steal an ID to get a drink. So maybe she didn't have one. shrug.

Krista said...

That's awesome. I once had my ID stolen, and the chick tried to use it at the bar where I'm good friends with the bouncers. Needless to say, I got the ID back.