Monday, May 16, 2011

Early Bird Special

Went down the coast this weekend for Hickster's 30th birthday celebrations (belated, since I was busy being fabulous in Europe on the actual day). It was great fun and generally relaxing, although it may have involved the following:

  • Friday night dance party
  • Shots of Cafe Patron
  • Hideous amounts of snacking
  • One walk on the beach outside the house
  • Drinking all afternoon on a Saturday
  • Playing drinking games (Circle of Death) at 5pm
  • A pre-dinner dance party
  • Falling on Seedy Pete in the midst of pre-dinner dance party/photo shoot
  • A Saturday night dinner that I don't all
  • Passing out before 9pm on the couch
  • Sunday morning exhaustion
  • A three hour drive home
  • More drinks on Sunday afternoon on a friend's terrace because I'm a moron who has no respect for my body

In short, the post-European holiday recovery and detox isn't going so well.

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